Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor and SukaQuail Indonesia proudly present Qualicious Art Festival 2025 Cooking Competition. This activity aims to find great talents in the culinary field and provide a platform for them to show their skills and creativity in the world of cooking.
Asah kemampuan memasakmu di Qualicious Art Festival 2025! 👨🍳
Kompetisi memasak yang seru menantimu pada 15-16 Februari 2025. Dengan berbagai kategori kompetisi, yaitu:
1. Umum
2. Mahasiswa
3. Pelajar SMA/SMK
Biaya registrasi Rp. 100.000 per kategori dengan pendaftaran paling lambat 12 Februari 2025 📋
Lokasi lomba: Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
Jl. K.H. Abdullah bin Nuh no. 16A, Yasmin, Kota Bogor 🏫
Raih kesempatan untuk membawa pulang hadiah utama. Selain itu, kamu juga berkesempatan mendapatkan paket beasiswa yang bisa membantumu mengembangkan karir di dunia kuliner.
Pembayaran Biaya Kompetisi
Bank Mandiri KCP Bogor Warung Jambu 1330028760528 atas nama yayasan pusaka bogor
Ketentuan Umum
🪺 Bahan dasar yang digunakan adalah daging dan telur Puyuh yang telah disediakan
⏱️ Waktu perlombaan selama 90 menit
🍛 Penilaian meliputi citarasa, penampilan dan presentasi
Do & Dont'
- Prepare all ingredients and tools before the competition starts.
- Stay calm and focus on your cooking without rushing.
- Keep your workspace clean and organized for safety and professionalism.
- Follow the competition rules and use allowed ingredients and tools.
- Be open to feedback from judges and improve based on their advice.
- Don’t copy other participants’ recipes.
- Don’t ignore safety – handle knives and equipment carefully.
- Don’t leave your cooking area unattended.
- Don’t focus only on one aspect – balance taste, presentation, and technique.
- Don’t disturb other competitors or create distractions.
Scoring Criteria
The scoring criteria in this cooking competition include three main aspects, namely flavor, appearance, and presentation. Taste assesses the deliciousness and balance of flavors, appearance assesses the extent to which the dishes look attractive, while presentation assesses the way the dishes are presented aesthetically and professionally.