Welcome to the Bogor Tourism College Alumni Testimonials page!
Here, you can find inspiring stories from our graduates who have gone on to find success in the tourism industry. These testimonials provide an in-depth insight into how the education and experience they gained on our campus has shaped their careers. From hotel management to international travel, our alumni share their stories of how Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor helped them achieve their professional and personal goals. We are proud of their achievements and hope these testimonials inspire prospective students to join our vibrant community.
Reviana Sari A.Md.Par is one of the alumni of Bogor Tourism College, Revi took the D3 Hotel Management Department. Revi has experience OTJT (On The Job Training) first at Grand Melia Hotel Jakarta in the Kitchen section and OTJT (On The Job Training) second at Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta in the Kitchen section, Revi graduated from college in 2016. Currently Revi works at Arabica Indonesia as a Barista, not only that Revi also has a lot of experience working in the barista world such as at Starbucks, Ahora Cafe and even has experience also working abroad at the Intercontinental Fujairah UAE as a Barista.
Reviana’s Testimonial about STP Bogor : “Very happy to be able to study at STP Bogor because there are so many experiences that I got during my study at STP Bogor, studying at STP Bogor can be a bridge to work in 5-star hotels and even Cruise ships at home and abroad, Thank you STP Bogor.”

Oki Krisnaldi S.Par is an alumnus of the Bogor College of Tourism S1 Travel Business Program, during college oki had carried out OTJT at Ayana Resort & Spa Bali in the Housekeeping section, oki had started working before graduating from college, after graduating from college oki had experience working at Ayana Hotel Jakarta in the kitchen section and oki had also worked abroad on Carnival Cruise, and currently oki serves as chairman of the culinary program at SMK Darmawan Sentul.
Oki’s Testimonial About STP Bogor: “During my study at the Bogor Tourism College there were so many experiences and lessons that I could get, the Bogor Tourism College could bring me to work not only abroad but even abroad, the lecturers were very experienced and insightful.”
Nuni Kurniati A.Md.Par is an alumni of the Diploma Three program who graduated in 2016, in 2018 Nuni continued her education in the Diploma Four program at the Bogor Tourism College. Nuni has been working since the final semester of the Diploma Three program. While studying in the D3 program Nuni carried out OTJT at the Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan Jakarta and Sheraton Yogyakarta. Nuni has worked at Izi hotel Bogor, and currently working at Novotel Bogor Golf & Convention Center as Guest Relation Officer.
Nuni’s Testimonial About STP Bogor : “Bogor Tourism College is one of the best hospitality and tourism campuses in the city of Bogor, has facilities that are quite supportive for learning, a lot of hospitality knowledge that we get from Operations to the management stage, Bogor Tourism College teaches us in hospitality, time discipline and many more so that it makes us the best graduates and ready to continue in the world of work.”

Disay Anaking A.Md.Par is one of the alumni of Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor batch 26. Disay currently works at Hotel Arya Duta Tugu Tani Jakarta as CDP (Indonesian Food). Disay graduated in 2015, Disay started working in 2016 at Hotel Arya Duta Tugu Tani Jakarta in the Kitchen section. Disay’s first OTJT (On The Job Training) was in Bandung at Hotel Swiss-bell Bandung (Kitchen) and her second OTJT (On The Job Training) was in Jakarta at Hotel Arya Duta Tugu Tani Jakarta (Kitchen).
Disay’s Testimonial about STP Bogor: “STP Bogor is the best Tourism and hospitality campus in the city of Bogor, has lecturers who are experienced in the hospitality industry, according to my passion in the kitchen it is right to choose to study at STP Bogor, because there is a lot of cooking knowledge that I got during my studies at STP Bogor, we get 2 OTJT (On The Job Training) so that after college and want to continue to the world of work at least.”
Ryanto Pangestu Saptadji A.Md.Par is one of the alumni of the D3 Program at Bogor College of Tourism. Ryanto graduated in 2016, Currently Ryanto works as a Housekeeping Attendant at Holland America Line Ryanto started his career on cruise ships since 2017. The first OTJT (On The Job Training) at Hyatt Regency Hotel Bandung in the Housekeeping Department and the second OTJT (On The Job Training) at Delonix Hotel Karawang in the Housekeeping Department as well.
Ryanto’s Testimonial about STP Bogor: “Very happy to be one of the graduates of the Bogor Tourism College in accordance with the motto of the Bogor Tourism College “short lectures are easy to work”, yes, that’s what I experienced, and not only that, the Bogor Tourism College teaches us all how to become a better person, and now I can take a job not only domestically but even abroad and there are many graduates who work abroad also in hotels, companies and on cruise ships, the right choice for those of you who have aspirations in the field of hospitality and tourism to enter and join the Bogor Tourism College.”

Celvin A.Md.Par is one of the alumni of Bacth 28 College of Tourism. Celvin graduated in 2016, after graduating in 2017 – 2018 Celvin has worked at Oakwood Premier Cozmo Jakarta as a Guest Relation Representative, Celvin has also worked at Novotel & Ibis Styles Jakarta Mangga dua Square as a Sales Executive, and currently Celvin works at Mercure Convention Center Ancol as a Sales Executive.
Syahru Hanuari Bakti S.Tr.Par is an alumni of the D4 program of the Bogor Tourism College who graduated in 2016. Syahru is currently working in one of the restaurants in Jeddah at Novus Escape Experience (Indonesian Restaurant) in the Kitchen section, during college Syahru had OTJT (On The Job Training) experience at Preanger Bandung hotel in the Kitchen section and at The Margo Hotel Depok.
Syahru’s Testimonial About STP Bogor : “STP Bogor is the right campus for those of us who want to hone our skills in the field of hospitality and tourism, STP Bogor makes its graduates a better person to be able to continue in the world of work after graduating from college, there are so many experiences that I can take during my studies at STP Bogor because not only about theory but STP Bogor also gives us a lot of experience with direct practice.”

Noni Rizalia Amory S.Tr.Par is one of the alumni of Bogor Tourism College in 2016 batch 26, currently Noni works at Harris Hotel Sentul as Sales Admin. After graduating Noni immediately worked at Hotel Parklane Jakarta in the Sales of Marketing section as Secretary of Sales, then at Swissbel Residence Rasuma Epicentrum in the Sales of Marketing section as Sales Executive, During her study at the Bogor Tourism College Noni had OTJT (On The Job Training) experience, the first OTJT (On The Job Training) at Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta in the Kitchen Department and the second OTJT (On The Job Training) at Arion Swiss-Bel Bandung in the Marketing section.
Noni’s Testimonial about STP Bogor : “Well I studied at STP Bogor from 2012 to 2016, it gave me a deep and unforgettable impression, during my study at STP BHI I gained a lot of knowledge and experience in the world of hospitality. Here I got a new family, in the learning method was very innovative and creative. It is very easy to understand the world of the hospitality industry where the lecturers are professional and supported by several campus facilities that are good enough to implement hospitality knowledge so that they can support students to continue to develop in their respective fields, Thankyouu.”
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