About STP Bogor
Hospitality Professionals

About Us

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor (STP Bogor), previously known as Bogor Hotel Institute (BHI), is the first and largest College of Tourism in Bogor, Indonesia. Bogor is located 50 Km from Jakarta, 300 meters above sea level and has the famous Botanical Gardens and the Presidential Palace. This perfect location makes the city fresh and safe, and a great place to study.

STP Bogor was established by the Bogor Heritage Foundation in 1999. The foundation initially developed a course program called Bogor Hotel Institute (BHI), which currently exists as Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan BHI (LKP-BHI). LKP-BHI offers a 1 Year Program with a major in Hospitality Operations. In 2009 STP Bogor began to develop and provide formal education degree programs, namely Bachelor (S1), Diploma Four (D4), and Diploma Three (D3). STP Bogor also provides Hospitality Training Programs, such as basic hospitality, complaint handling, sales skills improvement, cost control, table manners, and many more. Starting in 2021, STP Bogor has established an international partnership in the Pathway Program with Niagara College Canada. This program offers students to complete their D4 by studying for 3 years at STP Bogor and 1 year at Niagara College.

We believe that “Anyone Can Become Someone in Our Caring Way”. There are more than 800 students studying in various majors and they come from all parts of Indonesia, including Aceh, Medan, Riau, West Java, Jakarta, East Java, Ambon, Papua, etc.

Students can enjoy our new and modern campus at Jl. Curug Mekar No. 17 Yasmin Bogor. Students are encouraged to join one of our Student Activity Groups (SAGs) to network with other students who share similar interests. Some of the most popular SAGs are Student Senate, BHI Voice, BHI TV Online, English Conversation Club, Cooking Club, Culinary Arts Club, BHI Flairing Team, Bakery & Pastry, and others. SAG provides opportunities for all students to improve their personal soft skills.

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor currently has more than 4,000 alumni who have worked in various tourism and hospitality industries around the world. Some of them work in hotels, shipping companies, restaurants, hospitals, banks, government employees, apartments, consultants, or event organizers.

Explore the world of hospitality and culinary knowledge with Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor.

Bahasa Indonesia: Hidup Didedikasikan untuk Melayani
English: Meaningful and Helpful Throughout Life

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