Yayasan Pusaka Bogor
About > Yayasan Pusaka Bogor

Dr. Hasan Hambali

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Erha Gelania Andini (PhD Candidate di University of Delaware, US)

Member of the Board of Trustees

Prof. Dr. Erliza Hambali

The Foundation’s President

Dr. Ir. Rafian joni

Foundation Treasurer

Prof. Dr. Farah Fahma

Secretary of The Foundation 1

Rista Fitria, STP

Secretary of The Foundation 2

Dr. Mira Rivai

Member of The Foundation’s Board of Trustees

Prof. Dr. Khaswar Syamsu

Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees

Prof. Dr. Mukhamad Najib

Member of The Foundation’s Board of Trustees
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