Organizational Structure of STP Bogor
About STP Bogor > Organizational Structure of STP Bogor
Dr. Laurinciana Sambuanga Sampebatu, S.P., M.Si.
Chairman of the Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
Dina Hariani, S.Hum., M.Par.
Deputy Head 1 for Academic Affairs
Cindy Henriette Posumah,S.ST, MM.Par.
Deputy Chair 2 of the General Administration Section
Arion Silalahi, S. ST.
Deputy Chair 3 of the Student Affairs Division
Sekti Raharjo, S.TP., M.M.
Chairman of LPPM
Shanty Hadiningsih, S. Sos, M.M.
Chairman of LPM

Want to know how the Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor (STP Bogor) maintains its reputation as a leading educational institution? Come on, get to know the organizational structure of STP Bogor, which is the foundation of its success! Behind every flagship program and innovative initiative, there is a well-structured organization, ensuring that every department and individual works together effectively. With a visionary leadership team and dedicated staff, STP Bogor is able to create a dynamic and supportive learning environment. Let’s explore how each element of this organization contributes to providing the best tourism education for its students!

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